Roses and Calla Lily Wedding Bouquets
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

The Roses and Calla Lily combination have long been a popular choice of brides. First choose your rose color, and then a coordinating color for your calla lilies (mini-calla lilies are used in these bouquets.) The regular size results in a 8-9" bouquet (pictured in yellow and white), the deluxe size is 10-11" wide (shown here in red and white) and the premium size is 14-15" across, (shown here in lavender roses with Picasso callas.) Choose your ribbon wrap color to coordinate! If you are willing to consider silk calla lilies, the color combinations are endless. Call us for more information! 314/200-3351.

Roses and Calla Lily Wedding Bouquets



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