Roses and Hydrangeas Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Bouquets for prom are coming back in style! Shown here is our popular "Hydrangeas and Roses Bouquet"! Hydrangeas naturally come in blue or white, and you can choose from roses in white, red, light pink, dark pink, yellow, orange or lavender! The bouquet shown in photo has no greenery; if you would like to add greenery, please choose that option. Let us know what color ribbon you would like the stems wrapped in and you'll be set! We strongly encourage that prom orders are made in person or by phone. If you choose to place your order online, please make sure you let us know your color choices for the hydrangeas, roses, and ribbon wrap.

Roses and Hydrangeas Bouquet



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